Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Never- Ending Project List! ! ! !


The stove still doesn't work! Gas doesn't seem to be getting to the burners. I, and several others I have consulted, think that no juice is getting to the solenoid that operates the vale that lest the gas flow. It means more time with the multimeter and dealing with the voodoo that is electricity. I hate electricity!

The deck leak in the after cabin shows itself at the chain place(anchoring base) for the backstay for the mainmast. With the help of Roger Greene, I disconnected the port backstay (it is a split backstay, one going port and the other starboard), unbolted the chainplate, thoroughly cleaned the area, spread on copious amounts of caulking, re-bedded the chainplate and then let it sit for a couple of hours for the caulking to set up. The I tested it out with a couple of buckets of water and the leak was still there. Obviously, the chainplate wasn't the culprit. Well, at least I know that it is secure. I sounded the deck in that area with a hammer and found two "soft spots", places on deck where it sound as if the teak was lifting. Before I could do anything about it, I had to reconnect the port backstay which now seemed 2 inches short than it was. Roger and I couldn't get it into the turnbuckle which attaches to the chainplate. I had to round up a couple of guys from the beach to come out to the boat and add their heft pulling on the backstay. It was just what the doctor ordered.

Once that was done, I gouged out the caulking in the seams on both sides of these two "planks," cleaned them out, and put in some of "Capt. Tolly's Creeping Crack Cure" to seal any cracks in the fiber glass beneath. Later this morning, I will re-caulk the seams and hopefully that will do the trick. Then I am going sailing.


Great time last night. It was the fireworks show for the ending of SAILFEST in New London. The weather had been very threatening while it was awful seemingly every place else, things were great here and the show went on as planned. There was a good turn out of the club and everyone had a great time. It was just one of those wonderful evening that is all but impossible to put into words, but so great to be a part of.

1 comment:

  1. "Capt. Tolly's Creeping Crack Cure" to seal any cracks in the fiber glass beneath......genius!
