Sunday, February 6, 2011

The It Blow, Let It Blow, Let It Blow - The Sequal


(Current Location - Still Lake Worth)

One thing I had forgotten about when you have high temperatures and high humidity and some cold water around is that you get fog.And so it is that I woke up to fog this morning that didn't burn off until late morning. It made it too late to make the run to Lake Bocca Raton. I suppose that I could have made it but I didn't want to chance it as there is something like seven bascule bridges between here and there and they are all restricted. That means they open only at certain times and not on request and if your timing is just the slightest bit off, you end up spending a whole lot of your day idling in front of closed bridges. It can add a lot of length to your trip at least in terms of time.

And then it got hot, went right up into the 80's and there was no air moving anywhere. It was positively oven hot and the water was mill pond smooth. Then after lunch, everything changed. The wind, non-existent up till this time shifted and filled in from the north east. And it began to blow, much like it did yesterday. A nice steady 20 with frequent gusts up to 30 coming about every three to four minutes. It would have made idling in front of the bridges really interesting especially if there would be other boats doing the same thing I was. As I said before, that idling skill, getting the boat to sit in one spot, not too far from the bridge so that you cane make it through when it opens (they don't stay open forever) and not too close so that you don't run into the bridge or the abutments or manatees and whatever and whoever else congregates around the bridges, takes some time to learn and practice to keep up and heavy wind, especially pushing you in the direction of the bridge(sailboats aren't all that good at backing up well under control) would surely make it exciting.

Then about 5pm the wind died and according to NOAA, that's it for the evening, though there could be showers coming. Right now Monday is still a possibility except for the "possibility" of showers in the morning and the "possibility of showers" in the evening. Back home, when NOAA talks about the "possibility of showers" it is usually an attempt to cover themselves as a summer shower is always possible. Down here, it seems that whenever they mention rain, it rains. So I will check the weather again tomorrow and make the call then.

No news on "The Screamer" and the boat parked next to him. They didn't exchange any more words as far as I could tell and they were boat floating peacefully in the morning light. It was interesting that neither shower an anchorlight last night. Not a particularly smart move in a crowded anchorage like this.

A few boats left this morning "heading NORTH?" and more came in, big trawlers and expedition-type powerboats making for an even more crowded anchorage. That's my one great concern on the next leg that the two spots where I can anchor will be filled. They only problem is not knowing until I get there and you can't reserve an anchoring spot!

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