Monday, October 13, 2008

WAITING!WAITINg!WAITIng!WAITing!WAIting!WAiting!Waiting!waiting . . . . . .


As far as I know, everything in the repair department is proceeding as it should. I will check it out for sure today, but I suspect that all of the fiberglass work is done and the Yard is awaiting to new prop. Selecting a new prop is not the same as say buying a new tire for your car. It depends on the horsepower of the engine, the rotation of the shaft, the type of transmission, the degree of pitch on the prop for best and most efficient propulsion, and goodness only knows what else. They will try to get a fix prop that best approaches the criteria of the old feathering prop and it is not exactly an off-the-shelf item. It is now a question of when they get it and put it on and "drop" ABISHAG into the water. Then, it is top off the fuel, straighten out the interior (everything is on the port side of the boat after we hit on the starboard side) and then "ADIOS!"

The waiting on other people who are waiting on other people ( and who knows how many other levels that goes to) is frustrating but there really isn't much that can be done. I have been refining the routes and downloading the routes and alternates into the computer. I am getting to know the routes very well but the waiting is still frustrating. I do get to watch the RED SOX but the waiting is still frustrating. The weather is beautiful but not spending it journeying south is really frustrating. The frost is coming and I really have no desire to be stuck here when it hits full time. So I am hopeful that someday this week will see the the second departure day and that this time it will will take place without any "excitement!" Dull, boring, humdrum, day-after-day hops down the coast is what I am hoping for. Let's hear it for DULL!


I am happy that I have handled this setback so well. I have even been able to see the good points of it - like getting a new prop and finding out how strong ABISHAG really is and having a "disaster" and surviving it relatively unscathed. Now that that is over and down with, I don't have to worry when it is going to happen. Anticipating when it would happen was rather burdensome and now that it has come and gone, there is far less anxiety. If something should happen again, hey, I can deal with it.

I am glad to say that any feelings and/or thoughts about bailing out of the journey disappeared rather quickly and I am eager to get started again. Actually the last two weeks (has it been that long already?) has also been an exciting part of the adventure. The growth that has taken place has been easier to see in myself and it is rather exciting to see it taking place right before my eyes. I don't quite understand it all but I know that it is happening and I am looking forward to see where it will take me in becoming me.