Thursday, November 6, 2008

Still Waiting


I went down again to see ABISHAG and clean some of the seagull detritus off the deck. I shift around some of the stores to balance her out a bit better. I opened the ports to air her out. I brought down the Cruising Guide for Connecticut, New York and New Jersey , plus the Skipper Bob ICW Anchoring Guide and picked up the Cruising Guide for the Chesapeake to Florida and Skipper Bob's Marinas on the ICW. And basically that was all that there was to do. The bottom is painted and the rudder is re-attached. The prop, well that is what I am waiting for and it is coming, but then so is Thanksgiving and I am praying that I leave before then!

I turned over the check from the Insurance company to cover the expenses of the work that has been done. There really isn't anymore that I can do other than up date the electronic charts which I will spend the "waiting time" doing . . . . that and praying that the weather continues mild.


I was watching the yard crews shrink wrap the boats all around ABISHAG. Winter is definitely on the horizon . . . at least in the boating sense. I swore up and down that I wouldn't spend another winter here in the north . . . perhaps God is just reminding me that I shouldn't swear, especially about things over which I have no control. I am resigning myself to a cold water slog which will make the first part of the trip a real drag but it will get better the further south I go. I am getting sick of this scenery and it is time for a change! ! !! !