Monday, July 19, 2010

And Then There Was Rain!!!!!!


IT IS NOT LIKE IT HAS BEEN RAINING ALL THE TIME . . . truth be told, we actually do need the rain. But as I write this, New London just got hit with a major thunderstorm. It is raining so hard, you can not see across the river from the Club. Even seeing my boat is a bit of a stretch. good thing is that as intense as it is, it will not last long.

I have still not found the 2 missing volts. I have been endeavouring to trace the power for the propane solenoid from the solenoid switch back to battery and I am having a problem in that I can't shrink myself to tiny size to get to the places where the wire goes. And so far where I have been able to reach is showing only 10 volts instead of the magical 12! And until I can get 12 volts to the solenoid, the stove will the get gas and I'll continue to eat cold food!

There were actually a couple of days of very good sailing when it paid dividends to get off the mooring and out under sail. The humidity "out there" is so much less than on shore or even at the mooring and the breeze is always cool coming off the water. Plus it is just great getting out there sailing!

There is a constant drop in the innumerable small projects that need doing but there is a constant addition to the project list as well. It is sort of a trade off . You get something done and it inspires another project. Or as I am sitting down relaxing, I look a something and try to decide if it could be made to work better, look better or just be better. The end result is more projects. The definition of an artist is one who knows when to stop. I am not artist!