Friday, April 4, 2014

Almost There!


     I finished up my classwork for the Launch Operator's Class and took the test Wednesday. I got a 90%.  Since they don't pass the test back, I have no idea what I got wrong, but I passed and that is the important thing. Now it is onto the completing the Application Process.

     I got through the TWIC (Transportation Workers Identity Card) process. It took 10 minutes and $129.  The Launch Operator's Class was $199 and the required Red Cross Class is $50 and $60 for the Drug Screening. I am not quite sure what the cost will be for the filing  and processing of the application itself, but you just have to know that it won't either free or cheap. So much for the easy way to make a few bucks.

     On the "potentially good news front," I got a call earlier this week from a guy up in Maine who is interested in ABISHAG. Actually, I would say "very" interested as he contacted the broker and emailed me back to find out if he could come down from Maine on Sunday and look her over. He owns a CN 32 and is looking to go larger and wants to, as he said, "stay in the family." There is another CN 39 down in the Chesapeake that is for sail but that quite a drive from Maine and he wants more money as we;ll. So it is that if this guy is really interested in staying in the Camper Nicholson family, ABISHAG may have a new home in a couple of weeks. However, I just can't shake the idea that the whole thing will come to naught, so the serious spring work gets underway this weekend. I'll have to scoot up to Russ' to get the tools and head to the boat. The weather will be sunny and warm and the boatyard should be hopping. . . . "and the sound of the sander will be heard throughout the land!"