Friday, April 25, 2014



     Yes, my Ford P.O.S. is finally back and running. After changing all of the filters, one always checks the simplest things first, it became evident that the fuel filter, which after all is 25 years old, gave up the ghost. So now, I can get back to the boatyard and take up again all the work that needs doing.

     If all goes well today (a big "IF") I will set all the hatches, caulking and screwed into place. This is a good thing too as we are supposed to get rain tomorrow(Saturday) and most of next week. It will be a good test for the work done. If they leak again, I shall be most distressed.

     Once the hatches are set in place, I get to tackle the overhead, which is another reason I want them not to leak. That project is in several stages:
1.) Cut the ceiling panels to a proper, easy to handle size;
2.) Paint the ceiling panels;
3.) Install the needed wooden strips to which the panels will be affixed;
4.) Attach velcro to the panels and the wooden strips in the appropriate places;
5.) Put the ceiling panels back in place.

     As you can see, it is rather a simple project, so what could possibly go wrong?