Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Happy (The REAL) Columbus Day! ! ! !


I am safely docked in the Pleasure Cove Yacht Club(& Marina) further up Bodkin Creek on the South Shore of the Patapsco River which leads into Baltimore. I am about 3/4 of a mile from where I was before and in a few hours Nelson Anderson should be here to work his miracles on my alternator/regulator problem.

I am docked next to Ian & Leigh-Anne who are from Australia. They, along with Sky the dog, have come here to buy a catamaran(Windwalker), which they have, and which they are in the process of making ocean worthy, with the idea of taking 3-4 years to cruise it home to OZ. They have been here 5 months getting the boat ready ( sound familiar) and expect to shove off in two-three weeks(sound familiar), heading south on the outside. We have shared sea stories and they have taken me to the market to replenish the larder. It has been a pleasant day to say the least though it has been a bit hot and humid.

I have had the joy of taking a shower. Boy, you don't know what you've got till its gone! I will definitely have to iron out the water system problems before too much longer as showers are one of God's great gifts to feeling human.

Hopefully, when Nelson Anderson gets here, the fix will be simple and inexpensive. Whatever it costs, it has taken a serious bite out of my cruising kitty and things will be very tight for a long while.Hopefully, this will be the last unexpected expenditure but who knows.

We had a lightening storm last night. No thunder, just lightening and rain. Can't remember such a phenomenon before but then I am no longer in New England! Heard from Fred today. He got a new phone. He wasn't happy with the last one and after what it went through, it probably wasn't happy with him either. He got his boat to Portland and is out of the water. He said he really enjoyed the trip . . . the puking aside.

I go to await the the electrician or someone like him. Anyone get that reference?