Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Sun Shines Bright In T itusville!


It was too nice a day to go any where so I didn't. The temp was in the mid 70's though the wind picked up in the afternoon to cool things down. There basically wasn't a cloud in the sky and the humidity was low. It was a beautiful summer day!

I opened every port and hatch and really gave the boat a good airing. I re-repair the hinge on the hatch for the windlass. I used bigger screws this time! I plotted the course for the next time I decide to move which will have to be in 15 days if they enforce the local ordinances. I read. I napped. I just enjoyed the day. I watched several boats hurry past on their way south. I hope they get where they are going safe and sound. Me, I am where I am going wherever I am. It's more relaxing that way.