Friday, February 28, 2014

I Hate Winter!


     It was a balmy 4 degrees when I arose this morning. True that was at 5am and it did warm up as the sun rose. It is now, at 8am, an even more balmy 18 degrees.  And snow is coming. Not today, not tomorrow but on Sunday through Monday. And they are talking 6-10 inches. I hate winter!

     I received another of those evil email ads from those real estate people in St. Croix. I wonder sometimes if they are really trying to sell real estate or they just enjoy tweaking us poor folk up here in the cold.  we had a 10 minute snow squall yesterday afternoon. It snowed so hard and fast that you couldn't see 10 feet but thankfully it didn't last or drop anymore than really a dusting.  I hate winter!

     It appears that I am actually coming down with my second cold of the season. usually, I get hit with one in January and that's it. It has been a long while since I had to endure two, but it seems that this will be the case this year. Sniffles, runny nose, headache and probably a bit of fever, with an increasing cough.  I know it is not the flu as my doctor actually convinced me to get a flu shot this year which I usually avoid. But as he said, elderly people should get one. "Elderly people?" When  and why did I get lumped into that category? I hate winter!

     The ICW Cruisers from TYC are spread about the southern east coast of Florida, most around Key Largo where they are or were taking in the FORCE 5 Winter Nationals.  I'll have to email them and fiend out how the "team" from TYC did this year. Bob Cullen from the club is a 10 times National Champion so I imagine we did quite well. I remember that participant complained that last year that the water around Key Largo didn't quite make it to 80 degrees which made capsizing almost "traumatic for them." How they suffer. I hate winter!

     Another real downside of a long, tough winter is the problem of "Marine Catalogs."  I get them from Jamestown Distributors, West Marine and Defender Industries. Talk about spending money! Then again, I actually haven't spent a dime. Can't spend what you don't have you know.  It is just a lot of unrequited wish fulfillment. Still in all, I long for the day when I don't have to spend any more than the cost of bottom paint to get ready for the sailing season. I hate winter!