Saturday, May 19, 2012

Off Days


Since the weather turned nice(read "No Rain") and there is really little left to do to get ABISHAG ready to go(read"Waiting for the batteries to be re-installed and the welding job completed" ) I took a couple of days off just to enjoy the weather. It is getting on toward summer and I can't wait for it to it big time.

Basically, I didn't to anything. I sat and read in the sunshine and, like "Oddball" in the movie, Kelly's Heroes, "sitting around, eating cheese, drinking wine, soaking up rays." A total and complete and wonderful "waste" of time.

Today, I will head back to the boat and polish the hull, or at least make a stab at it.  If I get it done or get bored, I'll get back inside and work at tagging the wiring again. I got a bunch of that done but seemingly, the more I did, the more there was to do. Strange.

I got a call from a friend of a friend who might be interested in buying ABISHAG. We talked for 20 minutes or so on the phone and he is planning to come by on Monday afternoon to see her. As these things go, I don't expect much will result from the visit but it is the closest I have gotten to having a real live interested potential buyer give her a look.

I am strangely anxious about the trip from Portland to New London.  I am anxious that everything works right. I am anxious about my handling of the trip. I am anxious about the weather.  Truth be told, it is the normal pre-trip anxiety that most sailors, even those with lots of experience, always seem to experience prior to beginning a journey. Considering the trip last year, it shouldn't be all that big a deal, but then again, it was really being meticulous and conservatively careful that led to that journey being as "trouble free" as it was.  I am "safe" ashore in Portland but it doesn't feel like "home."  "Home" is the mooring off of TYC in New London and I can't wait to be there. It's the getting there that seems to be the source of the anxiety.  Strange.