Monday, July 29, 2019

Let Me Tell You A Story! ! ! ! !

      ABISHAG is in the water, in a slip at the Ferry Slip Marina. And she isn't going anywhere.

     The fuel injection pump for the fuel injectors is shot. It doesn't produce enough pressure  to run the engine at other than full power. It is either on full or off. Not a good state of affairs. But it gets better.

     The fuel injector pump has been identified as a BOSCH pump, a model that hasn't been manufactured since 1998 and for which there no longer are parts.  It may be why Camper Nicholson changed pumps about that time to another manufacturer.  One downside of this is that the "new" pump cannot be fitted to the original engine so there is no chnce to get one and put it on.

       It also seems that though the engine has "FORD" molded into the block it might not actually be a "FORD" but rather a "PERKINS." That is what happens when an item is not manufactured in the country of origin.

     Basically, getting the engine running is getting to be something akin to the simplicity of the search in the movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark." But Eric and I will keep on working on it, though neither of us looks anything like "Indiana Jones."

       I had the first shift for the Launch on this past Friday and Saturday. The days were perfect for going for a sail and I spent both days taking people out to their boat so they could go for a sail.  It was depressing because I knew that when my shift was over, I could not go out for a sail on ABISHAG. ANd it is getting to the point that if things continue like they are this will be the third season out of the last five(5)! (remember the tree that fell on my boat) that I couldn't sail my own boat!

     I am sure there is meaning in all this but I don't know what it might be. Ah, The Joy Of Boat Ownership!