Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy Tax Day ! ! ! ! !


     I must be getting old. After a week and a weekend of work, I am beat and sore.  True, not all of it was done on my boat. Saturday was down at TYC ripping out the kitchen floor, putting the two skiffs in the water, fixing the floating dock in place and generally getting the place ready for Spring Clean-up Day. Sunday was work up at the boat, painting the deep sump of the bilge and the parts of the engine area I could reach, cleaning the head and the forepeak,  and, later in the afternoon, helping Jackie Fisher uncover her boat in a surprisingly un-forecast stiff breeze. So it is that I am taking today off. Tomorrow, I will truck up again to Portland and begin what are mostly clean up projects. If friend Fred ever gets another day off, we'll tackle the pressure water system again. I must really be tired because I am making all sorts of  typing mistakes. Thank goodness of spell-check!