Sunday, March 3, 2013

Spring Be Here . . . well, at Least Meteorologically!


      Got a call from the broker yesterday and we set up a time to go and check out ABISHAG up at Yankee.  He actually seemed excited about it. We'll meet up there on Wednesday afternoon and I'll answer all his questions and, who knows, maybe he'll actually work hard enough to (gulp) sell her! I am not counting on it however and so I will continue to prepare her for the coming season.

     Wednesday will be Measurement Day. I have to measure the shaft so that I can purchase the proper zinc for it. I also have another zinc, one attached to the hull in a nifty little indentation, that serves some purpose or another.  It looks like it might be a part of the grounding system, perhaps something to do with the SSB(Single Side-Band Radio)   or perhaps they just put it there to cause me angst wondering and worrying about what it's for!

     I am also going to measure out the galley counter-tops for possible conversion to tile. I'll even measure out the counter-tops in both heads -  as the English say -  "just for a jolly!" Who knows, maybe because I don't actually live at my mailing address, Publisher's Clearing House couldn't find me last month but may look harder this month! In any event, having them sized means I am one step closer to actually getting that project underway. It will also give me an opportunity to see if there is sufficient room for the water-maker in the looker in the stern.

     An additional measuring job will be the cap rail on the port side. I was able to scarf in a piece last year in a badly damaged section and it looks great. Unfortunately, several whacks to the rail during a storm while "secured" in a slip at TYC chewed up another section and it needs fixing. Right now, the pieces that remain are held in place with Gorilla Glue and it looks like crap. Once I get it measures, I need to find the wood to "scarf in."

     With hope renewed in the possibility that ABISHAG may get a new owner, I have been "unfaithful" and have been casting my eyes about for " a new girl."  I will be down-sizing so that the expenses will be down-sized too. I expect to top-out at 33 feet in my search but drastically limiting myself, I'll probably end up in the 27-foot range. One problem is that it is going to have to be big enough to live aboard. It is not that I have all that much stuff or need all that much storage - lots of the "stuff" that was on-board was basically for the ICW Trip - it's just that it is nice to be able to stand up when you are putting on your pants and have a door in the head!