Sunday, January 18, 2009

Let it Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! ! ! ! !


Might as well let it snow as there is nothing I can do about stopping it. It is something like the advice you are often given about dandelions in your lawn - since you can never really get rid of them, learn to love them. So it is with the snow and the cold in New England and other points north, you can't change the winter weather so you just have to deal with what you get. dealing with weather is one of those curses that particularly afflict sailors. Where's the wind coming from? How strong? Is there rain with it? Will it intensify or diminish? Will it shift its bearing? And on and on and on it goes. It makes a certain sense when you are on the boat heading somewhere, but ashore, with the boat on the hard, it is almost comforting not to really care about what Mother Nature is sending my way outside. Actually the snow (it's snowing right now) is really quite beautiful and I can take an hour or so and just watch it fall. It is really peaceful and relaxing, especially since I know I don't have to deal with shoveling it.

The mystery that is electricity is still a dark one though there seems to be a little bit of light beginning to break in the darkness. Currently I am reading a book by Don Casey on Sailboat Maintenance , the section on electricity. Do states, " The objective of this book is to show you exactly how to service and modify the electrical system on your boat.Assuming the less theory I throw at you, the happier you are going to be, I have included electrical arcana only where it is absolutely essential . . . .I'm not teaching electricity here, I'm just trying to show you how to make a safe, durable connection." I'll see how it goes.


The month of January seems to be speeding along. Great! I'm getting closer and closer to Launch Day. I pretty much have the work all planned out, down to the expenses involved. I am chomping at the bit to get started. Having to exercise patience and wait for the weather can be very frustrating, but with all the waiting I have been doing over the last two years, it will pass constructively.