Sunday, March 16, 2014

It's Spring!!!!!!


      When the temperature hit 51 yesterday, I decided that it was time to uncover ABISHAG. While the temp had been pretty much assured, it was suppose to rain so I didn't think that I would get up to Portland. But, of course, it turned out to be a bright and sunny day with light puffy clouds everywhere. AH, NOAA!

      Even though Portland might be say six miles further inland than Griswold, the amount of snow on the ground was considerably more, really more than I expected otherwise I would have worn boots. Still enough had melts around the boats in the yard so that I could get to ABISHAG without have to trek through snowdrifts like Admiral Byrd! But I did forget about the mud!Where the snow had melted and the ground was bare there was mud! Big Time! Nice, oozy, soft, clingy mud! So instead of my sneakers get wet, they got wet and muddy!

     I unchained the ladder and put it up and climbed aboard.  Did I mention the wind? The gentle breeze of Griswold was a honking blow in Portland. I forgot that the Connecticut River valley funnels more than just water! It was probably gusting 35 - 40, a not inconsiderable blow when one is trying to remove traps 12 feet in the air! It surprised me that they were all intact, that with all the severe weather we had over the winter that at least some parts were not torn.  All the grommets were in place and there were no rips or tears. I was very happy that I had secured them with slipknots as it made the taking down a whole lot simpler.  It took maybe 10 minutes and the first job of the Spring was done. One project down, 47,513 more to go before launching!