Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Day At The Beach!


It was cold here today. It didn't get above 73 degrees! I almost had to put on long pants and socks! Oh the suffering I have to go through!

I am still in the lagoon behind the beach at Wrightsville. Five of us remained another day and everyone else left, to be replaced by 19 newcomers!. It is getting a little crowded around here. This place must really rock in the summer time and yet, even now, there is enough noise and bustle to be "irritating." Most of the places I have anchored have been quiet, peaceful, tranquil. Even the marinas have a certain silence to them. this is the first place that is noisy.

Helped Jim from Maine with his water cooler on his engine. Sea creatures had invaded it and had taken up residence and were causing all sorts of problems with the engine cooling. I thought my engine was hard to work on, his is a nightmare. A contortionist would have a hard time with what we did today. Most of it involved doing things when you couldn't see what you were doing. You had to visualize it in your head and then reach over backwards and do it without seeing it.I am surprised that we didn't sink the boast!

I also had time to take care of several of those pesky little jobs that need to be done on ABISHAG but which I have let go. being too tired at the end of the day to do them. I had no such excuses today and so I tackled them. I had to put lanyards on pull rings, recoil all the lines in the rope locker, put all the docklines back in their proper places, etc, like I said, not major but a host of little jobs that needed to be done and now have been.

I laid out to the course to Wilmington. My friends, Vinnie & Anne, live there and are to receive a package of meds for me. Unfortunately, the prescription company screwed up and it doesn't appear that they will get there before Friday. I can only afford a one day stay at a marina, so I have to wait until I know that the meds are there before I shove off. It is only a 21 mile trip so not a long haul, but I want to have enough time for a real visit and also to do some shopping. The there is the chance for two, count'em two showers! Who knew such a simple, taken for granted thing could be so wondrous!

The weather is supposed to be in the mid-70's again tomorrow so staying here in Wsrightsville won't be too much of a trial. I have to watch it though for I think I got a bit of a sunburn today!