Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Two Down - One To Go!


     Well, I just got through shoveling - well actually snow-plowing - out. It is rather nasty stuff. The snow has stopped - -well actually shifted to ice pellets and the temperature is probably around 38.  That may aid a bit in some melting but if the temperature drops tonight it will be hell on the roads tomorrow. Normally this wouldn't bother me in the least except for the fact that tomorrow I am committed to go to Vermont with Russ. What we got here today they got in spades so it should be an "interesting" trip if we decide to go. Vermont can deal with snow and ice and it shouldn't be too bad so long as we don't have to do a lot of secondary road traveling.

     I received a couple of emails from the the Gibbs who, along with Chuck Wargo and his daughter, are making their first trip south down the ICW. Their first contained pictures of them in Fort Lauderdale and the second from the bar at the Key Largo Yacht Club. The subject line said, "Don't Hate Us!" Considering what the winter has been like so far, it would be easy, but when I made the trip, everyone back here in God's Country had to deal with 84 inches of snow. I can't complain if they are getting the weather they made the trip for in the first place.

     I was able to share lots of info about what to do and where to go and what to avoid making the trip and it appears that they are having a spectacular time. With in another month though they are going to have to turn around and head back. It would be wonderful if you could just wake up and be home and avoid some of the long stretches of boring travel, but it is part of the price you have to pay. The real downer is that there are no surprises on the way back unless you get "interesting" weather, you have seen and experienced it all. I don't know if they will be taking the time to stop and enjoy the places they rushed past on the way down trying to beat the weather, but I hope they do. Heading up the ICW in the Spring weather was really beautiful, but you get the "itchy-foot" syndrome and want to get home fast. It will be their call, but I hope they really "cruise."

     I didn't get a chance to check out ABISHAG on Monday. The "light dusting of snow" that was forecast for Sunday night/Monday morning turned out to be a little more than a mere "dusting."  we got a good 5-8 inches, but once again it was that light fluffy stuff, so the clean-up was easy. They snow we got today was heavy and wet and now will get a coating of ice to make it perfectly miserable. The best that can be said it that we are one day closer to launching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have got to hold that thought considering the worst of these three storms in due over the weekend!