Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hey, It Was A Good Week!


      As these things go, it was a good week. I got a "pay check" from the sail loft, I didn't sew any fingers together (a first), and my ankle actually does seem to be getting better.  My knees, however, hurt worse than ever and I am giving serious consideration of going to ortho-guy #1 and get a getting a cortisone shot with a little pain killer mixed in. It is good for a couple of weeks and it would be great to walk around pain free for a little while.

     This coming week boast a visit to "ankle-ortho-guy" on Tuesday and a visit with the Coast Guard in East Haven on Wednesday. I will be "Co- Launch" Chairman at TYC this coming season and I have little idea what the job actually entails.  Alex, the other Co-Chairman, will handle the mechanical side which leaves me with the administrative side, ie. dealing with the Coast Guard and keeping the launch and skiff up to regulation. The Coasties have been very interested in our little launch, stopping by at least once a season for an inspection. I know of no season where we got away clean. There is always some little thing they nail us on. Last year, of all things, they got us for not having kid-sized PDF's and not have the TYC name on all of the PDF's. Such annoying failures are easily remedied and we always pass the inspection the second time, but some gremlins always seem to sneak in over the winter and fool with something that gets us in hack again. The meeting Wednesday is an updating on rules and regulations and we get to see what new things they will try and get us on. Ah, safety first!