Sunday, October 17, 2010

Anyone Ever Heard of SIllery Bay?


Me neither! Yet here is where my anchor is tonight. If it helps, Sillery Bay is off the Magothy River on the western shore of the Chesapeake, north of Annapolis. Feel better now?

Actually it wasn't much of a trip today, only about 12 miles but except for the first and the last it was all sail! It had been my intention go past Annapolis and anchor in the Rhode River, by NOAA lied again. The 10knots out of the Northwest became 20 and gusty and it kicked up quite a chop in the Bay and since I had a course to Sillery Bay already in the GPS, I made a mid-course correction and dropped in here. It is really quite a beautiful place. The entire shoreline is line with some incredible houses and it seems as though every bit of shoreline is held in place with rip-rap or bulkheads. It all must be privately done as it varies from house to house, but the land appears to be sand cliffs and if they weren't protected, the beautiful houses on the hilltops would end up in the Bay.

I ended up dropping the hook about 2pm and after it was down, I got to watch two different yacht clubs/sailing clubs racing in Sillery Bay. One of the hot classes down here must be Etchells(?) as each club had a group racing. It was an enjoyable way to have lunch, good food and a show. It would have been topped off if i could have gotten a football game, but I have no TV and trying to watch it on the computer is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO expensive.

I had thought that the depth sounder on my GPS had given up the ghost. It would read below 10 feet or so , even when I knew I was in deeper water. Thank goodness it turned out to be my fault. I hit the wrong button when I was "learning" to run the GPS in the Nav Station. A few simple buttons pushed and it is working just fine.

Tomorrow is a choice of locations. For one, I could go to the Rhode River which is south of Annapolis, about 12 miles away from Sillery Bay. I could also go to Herring Bay, a littler farther south on the western shore, about 26 miles away. I could also go to Dun Cove which is on Tilghman Island on the eastern side of the Bay. It is a matter of the weather and the time I get started. The weather Monday night calls for rain and Tuesday may be a washout, so where I drop the hook Monday may be for two days.

I haven't quite gotten into a routine yet. Hopefully it won't take too long. It is a bit unsettling not to have a routine so that I know everything gets done. It makes things comfortable and makes me feel more relaxed. It also provides great peace of mind, a considerable asset when you hanging on anchor rode in some place you've never heard of far from home. Peace of mind is a great thing!