Friday, October 18, 2013

At Home In The Woods


     Well, I am firmly ensconced in the woods of Griswold and will hibernate here until the spring. I am hoping that it will be a pleasant winter, not a lot of snow or  severely cold temperatures but since our "hurricane season" hasn't been one, I just get the impression that winter will be rather nasty. I have no conclusive proof or supporting data, just a feeling. It is just that we haven't had one for two years and we are do for a "smacking!"

     Getting used to living ashore again is a bit of an exercise. Not going to bed when the sun goes down and sleeping in a bed that doesn't move, not worrying about the weather and especially the strength of the wind, not being overly concerned about the rain or whether the docklines or mooring lines are free from chafe, these are all good things but it takes awhile to re-order one's mind. Getting up in the middle of the night -  thanks Mr. Prostrate - can be painful as I haven't quite got the position of the furniture clearly mapped out, but I am getting the hang of it. At least when I step outside I don't have to worry about falling overboard.

     There is a new Robert Redford movie out about a sailor cross the ocean, Pacific I assume, who comes to grief when his 39 foot boat is holed by a UFO - unseen floating object - in this case a container off a ship. His boat sinks and he has to save himself through the use of all of his nautical skill.  I am not sure if I want to go see it.  Watching movies like that for a sailor turn into a "critique fest" wherein you tend to pick out all the flaws and mistakes rather than just enjoy the movie. Another movie out now called "GRAVITY" has been getting all sorts of grief from space oriented scientists who point out all the flaws that you could attribute to "artistic license." In some cases, you just can't separated the movie from reality. So it is that you never really enjoy the movie.  Oh well, it is nice not to have anything really serious to worry about for awhile.