Tuesday, April 14, 2015

"There's Good News Tonight!" Gabriel Heater


     Well, yes & no. If you subscribe to the concept that "no news is good news," well then like last year at this time there is "good news" because I have gotten "no news."  My broker has not gotten back to me and that could mean a couple of this things.

      1.) Neither of the couples interested in seeing ABISHAG over the weekend showed up, though I would have expected that he would have let me know to keep me "bucked up and excited."

      2.) One or both of the couples showed up and neither liked what they saw and went away without making an offer. That's a real possibility but then i would have expected that the broker would have called with a long list of what needs to be "fixed." But if it were something "major", you would thing that they would just subtract from their offer what they thought it would take to do the fix.

      3.) One or both decided to go home and reflect.

       4.) The broker ran away to Brazil or the Caribbean.

In any event, I haven't heard and I won't contact him. No new is still good news and it doesn't really effect the fact that I still have lots of work to do on ABISHAG and no way to get to Portland to do it. Tom, my car guy, called last night to say that his "car-guy" won't have it ready before Friday. So I have another four days of waiting. It is all putting me seriously behind schedule, but there really isn't much I can do about it. Such is life . . . .  and it keeps on raining!