Friday, August 10, 2012

Well, THat Was Special! ! ! !


We had a nice little storm that came whistling through this afternoon. It lasted about 30 -45 minutes and dropped about 2 inches of rain. Had wind gusts to 60 and, since it was headed dead north, it came right up the river with nothing in the way. It really made the boats in the mooring field dance around.  I happened to be aboard when it it and it felt like old times down in Florida.  . . . . only it didn't last as long as some of those blows. It was however of sufficient force that I actually put the key in the ignition just in case the mooring lines parted and I had to start the engine and drive around until the storm winds dropped. But, all was fine and, as I said, it was a short term blow. Despite all the rain that fell, it didn't do much for the humidity but then again, it is August!