Friday, April 17, 2015

First Sail Of The Season!


       I got a chance to go sailing with "young" Mr. Avery, who at the ripe old age of 843/4, get his boat into the water on April 1st every year and tries to go sailing every day. His daughter won't let him sail alone so he is always looking for crew. This early in the season it is a little more challenging as it can be a wee cold on the water.  And cold it was. I wish I had brought gloves though I had the sense to bring a heavy sailing jacket and some polar fleece.It was a short sail,  little over 90 minutes or so, but well worth the frostbite.

     No word from the broker yet. No response to the emails. It will come in time. just like my car. There has been another delay in that as well. Now it will be Monday before we can go and look at it. It is a very anxious time and it is tough trusting that everything will workout as God intends.  It is all probably just a little reminder of just who is really in charge.