Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow! At Last!


It actually is snowing! In one sense that is a good thing. It is after winter and what is winter without snow. IF you are going to have temperatures in the 20's & 30's, if it is January, you should have snow! Snow makes sense of the month and the temperature. Without snow it is sort of weird!

The again, I hate winter! Winter means I never quite get completely warm. winter means sitting and freezing in your car as you wait for it to warm up. winter means worrying bout where you put your gloves and your boots and your hate and your coat. winter means finding every single little crack that lets in the cold wherever you happen to be. winter means having your fingers and toes and the tip of your nose go numb. I hate winter.

The good part about this winter, if such a thing can be admitted, is that it has long delayed in coming and it probably means, hopefully means that it will be quick in departing. Days like today are beautiful with the snow falling and the silence that attends its fall but as beautiful as it might be today, tomorrow it will still be winter and I long for the three "H's" - "Hazy, Hot & Humid!" Oh for one of those days, sitting int he cockpit, maybe under sail, sipping something cold from a tall glass and muttering, "Damn! ain't it hot!" yet glad that it was and not wishing it to end, or really be cooler.

But it is one day closer to spring, one day closer to launching, one day closer to sailing season, so it isn't all bad. Still, it is beautiful outside and maybe, just maybe, I'll go for a walk in the falling snow.