Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday, A Day Of Rest


It is not as though I have been extremely busy recently but Sunday is a day of rest and so, after moving the boat a hundred yards or so to a slightly better spot to anchor, I went to Jerry's and we watched football. following the game, Jerry took me to the Yacht Club where he is a member for a prime rib dinner. It was quite the place, two banquet halls, a dinning room and bar, waiters, bartender, fitness facilities, a real blue blazer, Breton Red Pants place. It is moire social that really boating with over three hundred members and only 90 or so boat owners. It is a beautiful spot and the food was fantastic, but it is not like home. And afterwards, I rowed back to ABISHAG for the night. Like I said a day of rest.

One slightly disturbing thing: last night a couple of guys in a run-about cruised by after dark. They were a couple of hundred yards away, heading toward Thumb Point but made a sharp and unnecessary turn toward the three boats in the anchorage. I was in the cockpit as they approached and was heading out to check the anchor setting. When I switched on the flashlight they veered off and did a slow cruise by the other two boats. They didn't stop but continued on in the direction that were originally headed in. They could have been coimplketely innocent and they probably were, but they also could have been casing the boats for some future criminal activity. Dinghy theft is epidemic in some places in Florida and you are warned not to leave your dinghy in the water at niught and to always lock it up when you go ashore. It wasn't a pleasant experience for what it could have been, but nothing really happened. Paradise isn't always paradise.