Sunday, May 15, 2016

Let's Hear It For Bleach!


     Well, ABISHAG is clean on the inside and cleaner than she was on the outside. In that she was really ready to go last June, it was a question of getting rid of the mold and mildew that so often develops when you shut up a boat for 6 months or more.  It is not a big job and is really just wiping down the moldy/mildewy surfaces with a bleach solution and it all goes away.

     I also did all the interior woodwork with Murphy's Oil Soap, getting rid of all the dust and dirt that comes from somewhere and adheres to just everything. After all that cleaning, it smells wonderful inside. Even after I pumped the bilge, there was no "bilge breath." I guess the two year project to absolutely clean the bilge of all oil and detritus is finally producing results.

     The Morning Dove's eggs have hatch though there is only one chick.  Hopefully the other(s) took off on their own and the remaining chick will be gone soon. Friend Fred and I will "brute force" the tubing for the bow pulpit this week and put it back in place. Having the birds there will be a problem. The sooner they go the better.

      Maneuvering around the  boat and deck went very well. Going up and down the ladder is a bit painful but other than that it isn't a problem. I was concerned that the healing hadn't progress enough and that it would be a problem but it seems that it has come far enough.

     I get to paint my mooring ball tomorrow. Another step closer to getting in the water. Huzzah!