Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So This IS Spring? ?? ? ??


Well I am back at the "Hermitage" and now I have to deal with stairs on a full time basis. Truth be told, they are not all that difficult, especially going up, though going down is still a little on the hinkey side. I have got to remind myself over and over again not to rush and to be careful of crutch placement as momentum and gravity are powerful forces, especially when working together!!!! I would really hate to take a tumble and ruin all young Doctor Sean's handiwork!

I am off of all of the pain medication now, except for the "as needed" meds which I haven't needed . . . as of yet. There was no pain whatever before but now there is! Nothing much, but I can tell where every cut, slash & stitch was and is. I am down to one crutch which is a 50% improvement. My new PT thinks I am ready for out patient Physical Therapy. Rather than her coming here, I will venture to the out-patient physical therapy facility at the local hospital. Perhaps I go back the the private PT facility where I re-habbed my wrist when I shattered it a couple of years ago.

One of the things I have to be careful of is how I move the right leg and hip. I can't cross my legs, I can't allow the knee to be higher than the hip. I can't inward or outward turn the high by more than 45 degrees and certainly I can't do all three at once. Doing so will result in a dislocation of the hip. With the intensity and sincerity and earnestness with which the medical people talk about not wanting this to happen, I get the rather distinct impression that it really is something to be avoided at all cost. The surgery was described as rather violent, with lots of pounding and sawing and leveraging and drilling and grinding, something akin to changing the rings on an engine. I gather from the description and the cautions, "re-locating" a dislocated hip prosthesis is something akin to replacing a transmission, lots of leveraging and pounding and the like. I have been cautioned again and again, ad nausem, not to do anything that would risk it. It should make for a fun post-Easter time as I get the boat ready for the season.

Poor ABISHAG! She has tickled no one's fancy this winter, except for that one guy, but nothing came of that. It looks like if she is not going to sell, she is going to sail. I am not sure just how that will work out, but I leave such things up to God these days. God will work it all out in some way and I am just going along for the ride. It makes it feel a whole lot better not having to carry that weight. But in any event, I have to get her ready so that she can be splashed come May or else it will be more money for the ever hungry boatyard. Anybody out there have any POWERBALL Winnings they would like to share? Just asking.