Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Story Has Been Sent


I just finished the story/article on ABISHAG and putting her up for sale. I sent it off to Mark Pillsbury at "CRUISING WORLD" and I'll wait to see what comes from it. Truth be told, I expect to get a "form letter" email but that's OK. Like writing this blog, writing that letter/article was very cathartic.

I haven't been able to get down the boat as the "plague" is still ragging. It is limited now to a cough and an occasional chill and fever, but it is going away. Actually, the weather is not yet appropriately cold enough fr me to go down and finish the winterizing. I really feel the need to suffer for some reason.

No word on the condo and no word on ABISHAG. I am afraid that I am going to go 0 for 2!