Sunday, April 10, 2016

Wednesday Is D-Day!


     Work & Weather have combined to make Wednesday D-Day, the day that work on ABISHAG finally gets underway. The unwrapping and uncovering will take place and I will get to see how kind this rather mild winter has been to her. Hopefully, very kind, which will mean that it is only repair work that needs doing.

     Kevin, the owner of the sail loft, will be coming up next week to look at the rigging and determine what needs doing. He should be able to handle all of the "serious rigging work" and procure all of the needs parts, of which there shouldn't be too many.  A couple of the foils need to be replaced, as do the "legs" which hold the furling drum in a straddling position over the fore stay turn buckle. Kevin will be bale to determine whether or not the stay itself needs to be changed as well. Everything else should be salvageable. Friend Fred will tackle the dismantling of the furling drum to get the last broken foil extracted. If that is because of the technical jargon it all sound a bit confusing. It just ain't nautical to call things "doohickies" and "whatsit" and "thingamabobs."

     I will also get a pricing on the bow pulpit. Its legs got a little - OK a lot - bent out of shape when the tree hit, but they while structure should be salvageable, along with three or four "bothered" stanchions for the lifelines. Truth be told, aside from those repair items,  the painting of the bottom is the only thing the absolutely needs to be done. That will leave lots of time for varnishing and polishing and hull painting and a whole host of little jobs that get put off for a lack of time each year. It would be great to get the potable water system function again. It would be great to get all the gauges working again. There are a ton of little pain-in-the-butt items that I would love to cross off the "Ever Growing To-Do-Projects" list and this might be the spring when I can really put a dent in them.