Tuesday, August 28, 2012



Great Weather Weekend ! ! !! Real Rail Down Sailing! Sun Shining - Wind Blowing - Just Great! ! ! !
 And we are up to "ISSAC" and none have come north. How great is that?!?!?!?!

The season is fast coming to an end. Already, TYC is quiet. The beach is almost empty. The Galley is selling little in the way of eats. The launch drivers are bored to tears. And Labor Day will mark the end of real launch service. No more 9-9 launch service seven days a week. There will be a simple limited scheduled on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays z\and that will be it! I may actually have to get the dinghy in shape to be rowed. All things being equal, I'll be head north up the Connecticut River on Columbus Day Weekend, probably leave Saturday and arrive(just where I am not sure yet!) Sunday, over-nighting in Hamburg Cove again, feasting on Chateaubriand and wine for Saturday dinner. And I am not kidding, as Bob's wife, Livy, is one heck of a cook. Not being much of a sailor, she sends Bob and the Chateaubriand and stays home.

There is a strange feeling that is going around as the end of the season approaches. It is something akin to loosing the desire to sail as there are so few days left to do so.  Gone is the feeling that you could just come down any time and go sailing, whenever the notion hit you. Now, at the very least, you have to watch the clock as Sunday is around 7:40pm, maybe less and it gets dark.  One cannot just "go," one hasalso to plan to come back. And it is gettting chilly. True, during the day it can still hit the 80's, but at night, or at least by 3am, a blanket becomes a smart choice. It is the presage of winter, not Fall, WINTER!!!!!!!!