Friday, March 22, 2013

The Best Laid Plans Of Mice & Men Etc., Etc., Etc!


     I was hoping that today I would have sorted out the water pressure problem on ABISHAG. Friend Fred, master of all things to do with pumps, was to meet me at Yankee and we would find out whatever was causing the "lack of flow" and fix it. Unfortunately, Fred came down with a 24 hour tumor or the Plague or something that laid him out flat, so the plan for fixing the pressurized water was a bust. Should have remembered what I always say about plans, "Custer Had A Plan! ! ! ! ! "

     In addition, it was COLD! and the thought of spending a day dealing with pressurized water was "chilly" pun intended. Waiting for  Friend Fred to arrive at the boat, well it was just too cold. Actually it wasn't terrible outside but then we would be working inside the boat and there had to be a 10-15 degree temp difference inside from the outside. It was while I was sitting in the cold that I took some pictures of the inside of the boat to email to the broker. I also have to track down a couple I have of her sailing. These will be in the add online which will hopefully sell her and quickly.

     Fred and Bob and I went to the Defender March Madness Sale where I picked up the bottom paint the bilge paint, some filler, two stanchion braces, a propane sensor for the system and it only cost me 80% of one Marine Unit. It was a considerable savings. But then the registration forms for the dinghy and ABISHAG showed up in the mail and they total almost the same amount!

    Friend Fred and I will have to schedule another day to work on the water. If today had been a year ago, it would have been 83 degrees at noon. Of course, anyone outside at noon today sure n]knew it wasn't 83 degrees and so not last year!