Saturday, April 10, 2010

And On It Goes ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


There must be someone to whom I can report my Physical Therapist! Vicious! Heartless! Unyielding! Without pity or remorse! I find it hard to believe that such workouts as I am forced to undergo can possibly be within the bound of proper medicine or even the law! When one of the little old blue-haired ladies with whom I share this therapist keep muttering "bastard" and "son-of-a-bitch" under their breath, you know something must be wrong!

Ah yes, but then, I am getting better and by the end of the week (next) should be crutchless. That's a good thing as I need to get down to start work on ABISHAG. I am acting on the assumption ( yes, I know all about not to "assume") but with only one, count 'em one(1), nibble, I dare say she won't be sold this year, which means that she will be sailed though exactly how I am going to swing this financially is still a bit of a mystery. But I love a good mystery.