Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It Has Been Awhile . . .


      . . . . .but then again it is Summer and there are always a lot better things to do than sit in front of a computer and type. Like sailing for instance. done a lot of that since last I typed and it has been glorious.  The winds during the days have been nice and fresh and as long as you get back to your mooring by say 5pm, they have been perfect days After 5pm, it has pretty much been a crap-shoot.The last two days saw rain and no wind. The previous few days just saw no wind post 5pm. That's all a part of summer too.

     Summer really seems to be fading fast even though it is still July. I am not sure why exactly, but it seems on the verge of being over. Perhaps it is because the weather seems more August than July, but whatever the reason, it does really seem to be on the wane. But I will also enjoy every minute of it.

     There is a certain "ennui" down  here at TYC that I also can't get a handle on. There are lots of boats in the water but they don't seem to be getting a lot of use, except by the racers. One that does get a lot of use, at least on the weekends, it moored out near me. These three couples climb aboard on Friday night and basically drink until late Sunday afternoon when they "de-boat." They seem to be having a great time but it is rare that they hoist a sail and go anywhere.  It is one way to use a boat I suppose but then it is not all that different that living on ABISHAG.

     This is too much typing. Time to go sailing. Ciao for now!