Wednesday, November 18, 2015

4 More Weeks


     The appointment Tuesday past went well, everything was fine. The next 4 weeks will see all the bones healed, hopefully correctly, and then, as of December 15th, I will enter the next phase which mean PT! There is a little wiggle room for the healing, but the heel is key. If it isn't back where it should be, it will have to be broken again and I will have to wait for it to heal properly. You would thin, "How hard can it be not to walk on the heel of one foot?" Well, try it. Even with the walker, it can be more than a bit of a challenge. I spend a lot of time sitting and laying down, but there are times when you just have to get up and move around. Using the bathroom for a shower and all the other ablutions often require both hands and sometimes both feet. Trying to balance on one foot and the ball of the other takes a fair amount of practice and skill. I am trying my best but I get the impression it would be best if I never got out of bed at all. Right, tell that to my prostate!

      All the staples were removed on Tuesday, all 47 of them though they left several stitches in place. They will just let them dissolve. The foot looks fine though it is a little swollen which means I have to keep it raised and ice it down a couple of times a day. I hope my best effort will be sufficient as I would not like to have to go through this all over again.