Friday, November 7, 2008

Light at The end Of The Tunnel


I received a call from the Yard Boss yesterday and I got the word: it will be early next week . . . or at least that what he says. I have gotten to the point to where I will get excited only when he calls and says he is splashing the boat. Then again, hope springs eternal.


I have the courses laid out. I have the goal anchorages noted and dozens of ancillary fallback locations. The boat is stocked with eats and water. The only thing missing is the prop . . .and ABISHAG being in the water. I am planning to leave as soon as she is in the water and the tide begins to ebb. That'll get me to the Little Bay anchorage at the Throggs Neck Bridge and the next day through Hell's Gate and on to New Jersey. It won't be September. It won't be October. It won't be the first week of November but it will happen. Huzzah!