Sunday, December 12, 2010

NOAA Use The "S" Word Today!!!!!


I am sitting on a Municipal Mooring in beautiful St. Augustine and today NOAA used the "S" word in the weather forecast . . . "SNOW"! Only a possibility mind you and it would be just flurries, but SNOW?

I am here until Tuesday as I wait out the weather. We are supposed to get another cold front of "Arctic Air" coming in tonight and the weather Monday will be cold and very windy. I am waiting out the rapid and severe weather change until Tuesday when, though cold, the weather should be clear and not so windy. We got gusts up into the mid 30's today and at 8pm Sunday night, they haven't quieted down all that much. They should keep up until after midnight when the cold gets here. What a wonderful thought!

Tuesday, if all things go well, I will make the 45 mile dash to Daytona Beach, not that it is much warmer down there. However, it is a little farther south and that can only be good. Eventually, it has got to get warmer. The weather was a warm and toasty mid-50's today but it soon went all to hell, with pouring rain and the wind. I did have enough time for a quick tour of St. Augustine.

Last night , they had a decorated boat parade and the Spaniards, Pirates and Americans duked it out for control of the city. They fired a lot of cannons and there was a lot of singing and I guess in the end the Americans won. It was interesting to watch from the boat though I didn't get all the commentary. The tourists eat it up, I guess.

It looks like an interesting town, lots of history, but the weather is chasing me south as I chase the warm weather. Nobody here is happy with the weather and the prospects for the coming week haven't helped at all. It has been the most unseasonable weather last few weeks anyone can remember. Even the weather reporting is cockeyed. In the same report they tell you about the rip tides and hypothermia. Figure that one out!