Monday, January 20, 2014

How Do They Stand It In Canada?


We are evidently in for another blast of cold weather this week. It may not be a return to the now famous or infamous "Polar vortex," but it is going to be unseasonably cold nonetheless. It appears however that what we see as unseasonably cold is for our neighbors to the north merely seasonal.  We are probably feeling the same thing that Floridians feel when they checkout the weather up here in "the cold north." On my trip down the ICW in 2010/11, Florida, indeed all the south, got hit with some very cold weather. I can remember spending a week in Jacksonville where the high didn't get above 32 for an entire week and the low hovered at 22. You know it is cold, unseasonably cold, unusually cold when NOAA starts off every 15 minute broadcast segment with detailed information on how to recognize frostbite!

It is quite possible that this winter blast will also bring with it up to 8 inches of snow as well.  Old and snow! Well, I guess that it is winter and such things are to be expected but who says I have to like it. Those adds from charter boat companies and Caribbean real estate firms are filling up my "Inbox," and look all the more appealing these days. There's nothing like a little sunburn in January and February.  But that's not happening this year I am afraid. Perhaps next year.

I am a little over a month away from uncovering ABISHAG. Not that she is really "covered," rather it is the start of the spring maintenance season. All of the "destructive" work can begin so long as there is at least minimal cooperation from the weather.  While paint won't adhere and epoxy won't set up  and varnish will be a useless mass, screws will unscrew and bleach will kill mold and sand paper sands and things can be pulled apart. It is usually the reassembly and finish work that takes all the time anyhow.  In the meantime, I have to get at the stuff in storage, get at the cleaning and the sorting and such. It is just stuff that needs to be done and it doesn't get done unless I do it. It is part of the fun  of boat ownership!