Wednesday, October 15, 2014

It's winter! !! ! !! !! ! !! ! !


      ABISHAG is in the Connecticut River in Portland, been there since Sunday, a mere 100 feet from where she will rest during the winter months. As a result, as far as I'm concerned it is winter, even though today's temperature hit 70!

     With my "summer residence" no longer available, I am now, technically, without a place to stay but I will have one soon. Currently I am "living" with a fellow from TYC but this is only a short term deal. I have made application for elderly housing and elderly housing for "poor" people. I qualify for both being over 65 and receiving a mere $1,662 a month. The paper work involved in this process makes the trek to get the Merchant Mariner Certificate look ridiculously easy  but since the housing requirements are amazingly similar, I had all of the documents and got the application filled out in about an hour. Now I am awaiting their checking out all the info, approving the application and , most importantly, having an apartment available. How long all that will take I haven't the foggiest. One thing I say about the process, it makes me feel "old" and "poor." I never really thought of myself that way but reality has reared its ugly head and I guess I just have to accept the fact that it is true. Ah! Such is life! A new adventure begins!