Saturday, August 31, 2019

Well, Maybe!

     As of this day, ABISHAG is still unwell and not running. eric teh Mechanic is in the process of taking the cover off the front of her engine to get at the gears that control the fuel-injector pump. As one might expect when dealing with an engine that is over 44 years old. Trying to loosen the dozen or so bolts that hold the cover on, we have inexpert busting the heads off of each bolt that we were trying to loosen. Rust and age are the culprits.  What this requires is that each one of the bolt must then be drilled out and then new thread be tapped. It is a slow process.

     One piece of good news, the  owner engine manual has finally arrived. It is not a detailed shop manual but rather something like you would find in the owner's manual of your car, but it did give information for Eric concerning the timing marks and should prove to be helpful. We should find out soon.

     And that is a good thing too as Ferry Slip Marina sent me an email about reserving a space for winter storage. And in addition, MIDWAY Marina also sent me a contract for winter storage for the coming season. If the engine gets running, I'll be heading up to Midway. If not, I have to stay at Ferry Slip. AH, THE JOYS OF BOAY OWNERSHIP.