Sunday, December 19, 2010

It WasTo Good To Last!


Well, all good things come to an end, even if they are short to begin with. Three days of temps in the mid 60's, one in the mid 70's, and today it is back to where it has been for three weeks. Maybe not that bad, but close enough.

When I got up this morning . . . well let me tell you about that! I was sleeping soundly when suddenly I became aware that the wind was up and the boat was rocking. I hit the light on my watch and read "6:39", so I figured I might as well get up. I did and went out and check the anchor. There was a misty rain falling and a stiff wind blowing(15-20) and it was cold. I let out a little more rode and went back and made breakfast coffee. I turned on the GPS to get the depth and to watch the little boat go round and round. I got my coffee and as I watched the little boat go round and round, the clock in the nav station chimed . . . once. That got my attention! If I got up at "6:39", the next chiming should have been 6 bells - 7AM. I looked at my watch and it was "6:49". I looked closer and realized that it was the Stopwatch function running. I had turned it on somehow. I shut it off, hit it for the time and it was 12:32AM. So there I was wide a wake, with a a jolt of coffee and it basically was midnight. Great! I went back to bed but not to sleep, at least not for a couple of hours until it was time to really get up.

It was still raining and cold and windy. I guess the front that pushed through as expected took the warm weather away and left the rain and cold and wind from Saturday. It also left fog. It looked to be a miserable day so I decided to stay in Daytona. One good thing about being this far south, even if It isn't always the warmest, if you want to hang for a day or so you can . . . until the police come and make you move on which they will do to me come Tuesday when my "5 day Daytona Anchoring limit" will be up. If I was a lawyer and had lots of money, I would stay and fight it but I am not and I don't so I will move on . . .tomorrow. Besides I am wearing one of my favorite T-Shirts from the Folger Shakespeare Museum in DC, with a quote from Act II of Henry VI, "The first thing we do is kill all the lawyers." It's easier to move.

Row into Daytona for ice and some groceries. The part I hit didn't have much to recommend it sad to say. It looked like "run down everyplace USA." It does have a skateboard park which is open 24/7 and which, much to my chagrin, is used 24/7.

Christmas is less than a week away and to answer the question asked by several, "NO, I have no idea where I will be spending Christmas nor with whom." At this moment though, "I'm dreaming of a hot Christmas!"