Thursday, July 3, 2014

H - H - H!


     The last two days it has been August! It has been HAZY! It has been HOT!! It has been HUMID!!!! And unfortunately, it has proven my lack of invincibility.

     Yesterday, I opened the clubhouse at 6:30AM and it was an oven inside. It wasn't quite an oven outside but it was getting there. Collecting and dumping the garbage, washing the bathrooms, washing down the porches, putting all the tables and chairs back where they belong . . . doing everything took about two hours and I was ringing wet by the end. And then it hit me. I am not sure if it was heat exhaustion or simple dehydration, but even after my morning shower I was spent. I literally spent the rest of the day, sitting in a cool breeze out on my boat, consuming all the water I could. It was nasty. By about 4pm I was feeling  close to normal again but I was still drinking fluids.  I am siding with my "unprofessional diagnosis" of dehydration as I literally didn't have to hit the head until then and what came out didn't measure up anywhere near what I had put in. I am feeling normal this morning but the day is supposed to be a repeat of the last two and so I will be very careful.

   I got a call from Doctor O'Donnell and he confirmed what the PA said, two torn cartilages. He doesn't want to rush to surgery so we' continue with the anti-inflammatories and possibly some physical therapy. Surgery might not totally alleviate the pain because of the arthritis involvement, but if it does happen, it will probably not be until the fall.

     One of the things that the triple "H's" bring with them is fog, something all boaters hate with a passion.                                       "Oh fatal vapor,
                                                        thrice accursed brew.
                                                      Thou gloom of doom,
                                                         thou deadly devil's stew."
                                                               -Shakespeare All Ashore That's Going Ashore, Act III, Scene I

Right now, there is fog in the river, but just in the river. It hasn't spread out. It is a river of fog on the river, filled with the ferries going in and out, blowing horns wildly. Some crazy sailor, sans radar, went sailing by awhile back, hope he makes it wherever it is he is going.  Maybe a Hurricane Hole? Tropical Storm Arthur is now Hurricane Arthur and is around North Carolina. It appears that it will turn east and that it will miss us though we should feel some effects Friday evening -  rain and wind and the like. O Joy!

     Still no license from the Coasties yet. Glad this wasn't an emergency!