Sunday, January 16, 2011

Edna Goes Off!


I decided to do a little walking in Fort Pierce on the Lord's Day. I figured, since it was a nice day, it would be a peaceful one as well. I didn't count on "Edna" nor did the guy in the pickup truck.

I was standing on a corner in downtown Fort Pierce waiting to cross. Across the street at the light was a young man, mid to late 20's, in a Big Dodge Ram pickup truck that looked new or at least very well cared for. He was waiting at the red light when up from behind comes Edna in what was probably a Ford Focus. Edna looked, from across the street, to be in her 80's and as with all of us when we reach such an advanced age, her depth perception made have gotten a tad iffy. She cruised into the back bumper of the pickup at about 3 miles an hour, doing no damage to the pickup but staving in her grill and most of her front end. The drive of the pickup was out of the truck like a shot, went stomping back to the rear if the truck and examined the damages. Like I said, there wasn't any to the pickup. The this guy goes stomping back to the driver's side window of Edna's car and lets her have it. He is swearing a blue-streak at poor Edna. He went on for what seemed like 20 seconds when all of a sudden he jumps back and clasps his hands to his face and starts scream. He falls down on the pavement as Edna exits the car. She has a can of Mace or Pepper Spray in her hand and had evidently let the guy have right in the face as he leaned in the driver's side window. She "walks" over to him and as he is rolling around on the ground, she empties the entire can at his face. When it's empty, she lets him have it with her purse which is big and obviously heavy, with a lot of "hardware" on it. And she is whacking him, and he's rolling and screaming. He husband, who had been "riding shotgun", came "racing" as fast as he could - which wasn't all that fast - around the front of the car and all but tackled Edna. He was trying to hold her back and she was trying to get at the pickup driver on the ground with her purse when the cops arrived from just down the street. You don't mess with Edna!

I have to say that is the case with the "elderly" down here in Florida. It is like they have taken enough crap from "younger people" and they ain't going to take any more. You go into a Wind Dixie or a Publix markets, you really have to keep your head up. Old, ah . . . "Youthful challenged" individuals in their "scooters" and motorized wheelchairs are the terror of the store. They come whipping around corners and race up aisles. And God help you if you are in their way.

It could be an interesting night tonight. I have " a boater" right off my stern, I mean right off my stern . . . . .maybe 20-25 feet. The wind is supposed to be 5-10 from the east. We might bet a rain storm some time during the night and we are definitely in for a blow tomorrow in the afternoon. Hopefully "Capt. Edward Smith" back there ( Capt. Edward Smith, Captain of the TITANIC) will be gone before the blow. I wouldn't really want to drag down on him which could happen. I am not sure just why he picked this spot. There is only three of us here and there is plenty of room. Perhaps the whine from my wind generator will drive him away! Or maybe I should just hail him and say, " Hey Captain Nemo, you want to anchor that garbage scow you call a boat some place else!" Naw, I think I'll just nature take its course. Maybe I should sic "Edna" on him. And the secret word is "WHIPLASH!"