Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Take Two And Hit To Right!


Would that I had something truly interesting to write, but alas! such is really not the case. Perhaps.if I was a political junkie, I could get all into the New Hampshire Primary but it is hard to get excited about it. Now if Ron Paul had won, or Rick Santorum or even Newt Gingrich, but it was the "Steppford" Mitt Romney as expected and some sort of total cataclysm, it will be he for the GOP come the fall elections.And even those will be pretty much of a bore. That will mean that everyone will have to endure 7 months of increasingly negative political ads that will fill every spare moment of air time. I guess there is something good to be said about being without a television. At least we will have the Baseball Season to ease the pain.

Checking back in the log to last year on this date, I found that I was still in Fort Pierce enjoying the weather. I had become rather sedentary and had no reason to move but then one showed up. I had to empty the holding tank. Now that's a reason for making a journey! Then again, it was really living in the moment. Back then, I had to very aware of such things - food, water, electricity, sh*t, garbage, etc - for the simple reason that had to be handled very differently on a boat than on the land. Can't just "run out to the store." You are forced to do a lot more thinking, reflecting actually, and a lot more planning as you have to basically move your whole world to meet the need, whatever it might be. At the very least, it would entail rowing/motoring in the dinghy to the shore and then finding a way to get wherever it was that you need to get to get what you needed to get or get rid of what you needed to get rid of. Now it is very easy to go and get without much thought, but I find I still do the thinking part. I think about what I need, and then where I have to go, and then the best way to get there and all before I head out. Sort of like the UPS guys who plan their route so closely that the endeavor to make only right hand turns all along the way.

Like I said, not much of interest today but enough to let you know that I am alive and well, and that's a good thing!