Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Columbus Day!!!!


Well, it's not really but it is when we are celebrating it so I guess it is OK.

It was a slow day. I contacted the marina and everyone had the plague. They're out of commission for a couple of says. i called the number of the electrician given me by the passing "Towboat/US" operator and talked with him and he figures its a couple of days as well. He'll do it IN the marina that has the plague. I waited all day for him to get back to me to confirm but he didn't. Such is life.

I spent the day plotting courses from here to the beginning of the ICW. I am giving myself 5-6 days which is a slow pace. I'll by pass major stuff like Annapolis and Washington in order to get going on the ICW. There really is no rush and so I won't. The weather should crap out sometime this week, it is just do for it, but right now it is like August in Connecticut!

I wish there was more to say but really there isn't. Tomorrow should produce more info to share. I've just finished supper and if I had port & cigars I would be doing them and watching the sun go done. But alas, I finished the last beer with dinner.