Friday, October 15, 2010

Bodkin Creek at Anchor . . .Again


It wasn't a long trip today, a mere 3/4's of a mile, right back to where I was on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.However, it meant that the $68.50 a night charge no longer applied which is good if you don't have $68.50 a night. Total dock bill came to $205.50 but now I am on my own hook and it is free . . . . except for the paranoia.

It took me four, count'em four attempts to get the anchor set and holding. Truth be told, it was probably holding the first three times but I didn't like where it left me hanging so to speak. The winds are 20 -25 with gusts of 30 so I want to be sure that when I wake up in the morning I am in the same place it was the night before when I went to bed! Laying out a 35lbs plow, with 12 feet of chain and 90 feet of rope rode, with 30lbs of anchor weights on their own rode thrown in, then doing it again, and then doing it again and then doing it a fourth time - all by hand - well it is more exercise than I have had in a while. But it is all down now, the bearings check, the GPS checks and I am in for the night.

I almost hated to leave the Yacht Club/Marina. It was comfortable there and there were people all around, then there is the old sailing proverb that says "good harbors rot good men and good ships." It was time to go, not far but go. I am not sure whether or not I will be moving tomorrow. It is supposed to be windy . . .small craft advisory windy. If the winds get too much they may even call it "a gale." One of those a trip is fine thank you! Then again, NOAA doesn't have a sterling track record so far on this trip. I will await the dawn and check the weather again and see what's what.

The weather is changing down here. Days still int eh high 60's/ low to mid 70's but the nights are getting cooler, in fact down right chilly. And the chill comes earlier in the evening and stays later in the morning. I guess fall even comes to Maryland. It was an actual long pants/jacket type of day. I may have to put my shorts and tee-shirts away for awhile, but not too long I hope.

I have 8 stops/anchorages plugged into the GPS. I can adjust them if I want but they are all comfortable day trips. I want to be able to be in and anchor by 4pm every day. It gives me a cushion against the unexpected. . . . . like having to set the anchor four times! If all goes well, I will be anchored in Sillery Bay this time tomorrow, one step closer to the ICW. At this rate I might even get there before November.