Monday, March 14, 2011

Lake Worth Once Again


Well, I made it up to Fort Lauderdale safe and sound, and got me a spot in the Las Olas Municipal Marina. The town was celebrating Mardi Gras and St. Patrick's day, one early and one late, and the New River was completely filled. But Las Olas in right on the ICW and I got a deal so I couldn't really complain.

Bob & Olga came by with my meds and my new oar so all was right with the world. They also reminded me that the clocks jumped ahead an hour Saturday night. It probably would have been better if they had not told me as it messed up my Sunday morning. Truth be told, the daylight hours were the same, perhaps a minute or two longer but for some reason, I got all discombobulated and really wasn't ready to go at 9am( formerly 8 am) and with a long trip and a whole lot of bridges, I decided to stay an extra day. It was a good thing too as the boat next to me pulled out and was replaced by "TRUSTY III" the boat from Canada which was at the dock at Pelican Harbor Marina. Its arrival caused me to apologize in my head for all the unkind thoughts I had about them also in my head. There medical coverage was forcing them to leave the boat in Fort Lauderdale and fly back to Montreal. They would be back in July to take the boat back to Canada. Let's hear it for socialized medicine.

This morning, despite my best efforts, I got away late again, 9:33am. It was going to be a long bloody day. Of all of the bridges, I only missed three which, with the wait time, cost me about an hour and a half and put me in Lake Worth at 7:15pm. At least it was still light. The thought of anchoring in the dark was scary enough but trying to get into a marina in the dark would have been worse.

When I pull into Lake Worth, I found that "The Screamer" was still here, anchored right in the middle of the anchorage. I was stuck with the urge to go and anchor right next to him but fought it off and anchored far, far away.

I ran into Jim Ray who was anchored next to me in Miami. He is making his way to Titusville. We will probably buddy up at least til Fort Pierce. He came into Lake Worth after I did and is anchored a bit away but I'll contact him in the morning.

I've got a catch in my steering. When I turn to starboard, there is a little knock/catch that shouldn't be there. I want to remove the compass to get at it but I don't know how to do it. There are no bolts or screws holding it to the top of the steering pedestal and even Gerry can't quite figure it out. I am going to have to call the EDSON people tomorrow to see if they can. I am going to have to remove the compass sometime to change the breaks on the steering lock, but like I said, right now I can figure out how to do it. I good night's sleep will make all things seem better in the morning.

Boat names for the day: Wet Drean; de "Bait" able; Knot Again; Two Wishin' Free; Notayot . . .Yet; Toes In The Water; Reel Estate; Reel Memories; Fishin' Magician.