Tuesday, July 12, 2011

From Seattle to Beaufort, SC


It was a real yuckie day. The cold and damp and breeze of the past week has been replaced by the heat and humidity and no breeze of this week, well at least for Monday. The heat and humidity I don't mind, or I should say, I wouldn't mind if we at least had a breeze. Not much of that I am sad to say but it didn't stop me from getting off the mooring and out into the river in search of some. Alas, there wasn't much there, just barely enough to move the boat and not very fast at that. Still it was cooler than ashore. It is probably the type of weather people were praying for . . . back in December and January. They had forgotten that it can really suck the life right out of you. Every gulp of water got seated out seemingly seconds later. It almost made sense to short-circuit the process by simply pouring the water over my head. The very light breeze makes for interesting sailing in the river. With the light zephers, dodging and avoiding the ferries and subs gets even more entertaining and a little more exciting. The Coasties were just as hot as everyone else which didn't do much for their attitude and if there is one thing you don't need is someone who has an attitude and a machine gun. Good people to keep far away from!

Still summer has been rather good. When we have had breeze, it has been great for sailing. And after a slow start most of the members are in the water and doing their thing. It is great to see people really relax and unwind as I am sure they are much in need of it. There has been a lot of talk about the struggle speople are having and things are hard for many. They need the time and the space and the place to let it al go if only for just a while and this is the place.

Later this week, TYC will host the Force 5 National Championship. The Force 5's are basically racing dinghies and the competition should be serious to say the least. Bob Cullen, from TYC, is a 9 times national champion and looks to get #10 here on "his home ground." Two weeks hence, TYC will host the Governor's Regatta. I will be working Race Committee that day, probably a Mark Boat. I am starting to get a bit of an itch to get ABISHAG rated(PHRF) so that I can(could) sail in some of the events, just to see what it would be like. Nothing serious are aggressive, but I would still have to put together a crew and we would have to do at least some practice as sailing a ketch in a round the buoys type of race will be more work that on a sloop. After all, more masts mean more sails. Who knows, perhaps if I can scare up a crew and we get some practice time and I get a really, REALLY good rating, she might actually surprise people. Of course, I would have to empty her of all the cruising stuff, the extra anchors, the books and charts, etc. etc. to help with the speed, but then it won't be until next year, if then. If I wait long enough, the yen will probably pass.