Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My P.O.S. is D.O.A.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


     Did you ever have one of those days? Or weeks? well, this week could be one of those. First of all, it is Holy Week and there is lots of spiritual, church-oriented stuff going on. It is the busiest week of the year for Catholics.

     This week also is loaded with meetings for me. Last night I had to attend the initial meeting of the regatta committee for TYC. It is not a favorite committee as it is lots of work and you have to deal with a lot of complaining from racers no matter how much effort you put into the races and no matter how well things go. It is at best a thankless job which is why so few people want to be on the committee. Still it is necessary for the club and so I signed on. In addition to that, there is a Red Cross Certification Meeting/Class that I have to attend tonight and pay $50 for the privilege. It is a necessary part of the Launch Operator's requirements that I need to fulfill. And tomorrow, I have an appointment with the Department of Transportation of the Federal Government to get my TWIC (Transportation Worker's Identification Card), another necessary items for the Launch Operator's Certificate.

       And my car died! What exactly the problem is, I don't know. Could be fuel pump, could be distributor, could be ghosts in the machine. In any event, it is not functioning to the point where it is drivable. To make matters worse, I don't have the money to get it towed to a garage where someone can over-charge me for more than the necessary work, let alone pay for the work in the first place.

     Right now, I am hunting around for someone to put the arm on to get me a ride down to New London and TYC where the Red Cross Certification Class is being held today.

     And I haven't even discussed the work that still needs doing on ABISHAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!