Thursday, September 29, 2011

Foggy Thoughts


I wish I could tell you something wonderful about the sailing in the last few days, but I can't. There wasn't any. Every morning has begun with fog and I mean "FOG!" Usually it isn't until about 10 in the morning that it lifts enough to see the shoreline and even then it is little more than a hazy outline. Before then, there is little more than a few feet around around the boat that one can see through and other than that it is like sitting in a light bulb. It usually goes away as I said by mid morning, only to begin to return toward the end of the day before then thicken over night. And amazingly, a surprising number of people come down, sit on the porch, drink wine, and watch it. Something like staring at a fire in a fireplace I suppose, a very relaxing. peaceful time.

The main topic for conversation right now among the members is "Where are you hauling for the winter?" It is interesting how people ask the question, in a sort of cautious manner as if they are looking for some sort of affirmation of their own winter hauling plans. Very few people it seems have absolute confidence that they have or are going to make the right choice. That includes people who have been going to the same yard for years. Of course it involves more than just the cost for the hauling, washing, storage and re-launch in the spring. It is important to some that they be able to do the work on their boats themselves. Others want to have the yards do it all and in both cases they want to know that the yards are OK with what they want. There is also the factor of how far the boat is not only from TYC but also how far it might be from where you live. If you are too far from your boat it makes decommissioning - taking off all the stuff and haul it home for the winter when you button her up - and re-commissioning - preparing the boat for relaunching - painting and the like - and hauling all the stuff back to the boat again from home. It seems as though no one feel completely comfortable with their decision and their choice. Sailors are such a pessimistic lot at times.

Well, the fog that faded away 20 minutes ago is back with a vengeance. NOAA is call for showers at noon, with thunderstorms likely, a least an 80% chance. In other words, who knows?